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Medical Safety Products. ASK FOR OUR FULL PPE CATALOG (Below is a small selection)

  • DPPE Nitrile Gloves , Powderless Examination Standard fast delivery from stock in Los Angeles.

    Please ask for latest prices, new and different stock is coming in every week.

    Please note this items is supplied as part of an emergency response to the Corona Virus Pandemic and shortages of essential front line protection.
    Features: Nitrile (non latex ) Powderless Gloves. Strong high quality for Examanation, industrial and other uses.


  • DP01A: Face Recognition Thermometry Security Kiosk. Automated Temperature Screening and Face Recognition


    Features Screens visitors and employees automatically at entrances and in reception areas.
    Simply stand within a few feet of the temperature screening monitor, it
    scans your face and takes an accurate temperature instantly. The unit then says
    please pass or high temperature detected.

    This device can be set up to function as a temperature monitor, however it can also control (allow / Deny) access via face recognition and can store up to 10,000 faces and names. It can detect masks being worn and tell a person to put on a mask.

    Automatic Temperature Check.
    Facial Recognition
    10,000 faces stored.
    Access Entry Control. ( can trigger a door or turnstile to allow entry)
    Data Recording by emailing high temperature readings to designated email addresses.
    Custom voice commands.
    Mask detection. ( will tell the person to put on a mask before allowing entry)
    Hard Hat Detection. ( will tell the person to wear a protective hat being allowing entry)

    All functions can be controlled with simple software provided. Each unit has its own IP address and can be logged into remotely with a password.
    Employees faces can be stored in the unit and in the computer and can be deleted remotely to control access to a building ( you can remove an employee to deny access instantly by accessing the unit online.)

    NOTE: The detection of an elevated temperature is not evidence on its own of viral infection or even a fever, this device can not diagnose fever, it is not diagnosing any medical condition. It is reccomended that a person who presents with a raised temperature is reffered for accurate temperature testing with a calibrated medical thermometer and other medical screening by a medical professional. This equiptment is not intended to make medical diagnosis in any way. This device can not make medical diagnosis, and is simply reading body temperature at time of presenting to the device during a “security screening check”  Here see the FDA guidelines for Temperature screening https://www.fda.gov/media/137079/download

    For more information please discuss with your supplier.

  • Tactical Trauma Kit 1 :

    Tac Trauma Kit 1  Used by Medics and army personal, and can be used by people with basic first aid training as well.

    If you are going for the long haul or just need a bag you can grab to treat multiple people,

    the Tactical Trauma Kit #1 will be there when you need it.

    Padded and adjustable shoulder straps with chest and waist support straps add extra comfort when

    carrying your kit for extended periods.

    Available in 5 colors including Camo.

    Includes 204 items For treating multiple people in a wide variety of emergency situations.

    Made by Professionals Made to Save Lives Made for You.



    Minimum order 10




  • Storm Medical Kit for Professional use with over 500 items. :

    Available in 4 colors 

    Includes 500+ items

    The Storm Medical Kit has a wide variety of contents and is used by professionals including medics and army personnel. The bag contains many Velcro and zippered compartments for easy access to over 500 hundred items inside. 

    Made for You by Professionals.

    Made to Save Lives

    Item Quantity  Item Quantity 
    Cervical Collar 1 6″ Elastic Bandages 3
    Universal/Sam Splints 2 Blood Clotting Spray 1
    2″x2″ Gauze Pads 10 Calamine Lotion 6oz. 1
    Stethoscope 1 Triangular Bandages 3
    Pain Relievers 40 Conforming Gauze 4″x4.1 yds. 2
    Eye Pads 5 Ammonia Inhalants 20
    EMT Shears 2 Lip Balm 2
    LED Pen Light 1 Skin Probe 1
    Instant Ice Packs 3 Alcohol Wipes 20
    BZK Antiseptic Wipes 26 2″ Elastic Bandages 6
    Knuckle Bandages 20 Pair PLK Nitrile Gloves 5
    Burn Spray 1 6″ Trauma Dressings 2
    Safety Pins 6 Sting & Bite Wipes 9
    Multi-Trauma Dressings 2 Bandage Strips 1″x3″ 100
    BleedStop Bandages 4 5″x9″ Abdominal Pads 10
    Eye/Skin Wash 2 Blood Pressure Kit 1
    Emergency Blankets-Silver/OD 2 Burn Gel 5
    CPR Face Shields 2 4″x4″ Sterile Gauze 5
    Triple Antibiotics 20 Scalpel Handle #3 1
    Scalpel Blades 6 Oral Airways 4
    Straight Hemostats 2 Curved Hemostats 2
    SS Tweezers 1 Suture Sets 5
    Iodine Wipes 100 First Aid Guide 1
    1″ Tape 3 Instant Glucose 1
    Butterfly Closure Strips 20 Tongue Depressors 5
    4″ Trauma Dressings 2 QuikClot Advanced Clotting Gauze 3
    Hand Sanitizer 2oz. 1 Latex Tourniquet 1



  • FRB1: First Responder First Aid Kit for Professional and First Aid Trained use with over 380 items. :

    FRB1  First Responder Kit

    Includes 380 items

    The First Responder First Aid Kit has a wide variety of contents and is used by professionals including medics and army personnel. The bag contains many Velcro and zippered compartments for easy access to over 380 items inside.

    Reflective Strips give extra level of safety and visibility to paramedic.

    Made for You by Professionals.

    Made to Save Lives

    Dimensions 8H x 17W x 13D  Weight 8 pounds.