• SAGE: 26784
  • PPAI: 387166

Tactical Trauma Kit 1 :

Availability: In stock


Tac Trauma Kit 1  Used by Medics and army personal, and can be used by people with basic first aid training as well.

If you are going for the long haul or just need a bag you can grab to treat multiple people,

the Tactical Trauma Kit #1 will be there when you need it.

Padded and adjustable shoulder straps with chest and waist support straps add extra comfort when

carrying your kit for extended periods.

Available in 5 colors including Camo.

Includes 204 items For treating multiple people in a wide variety of emergency situations.

Made by Professionals Made to Save Lives Made for You.



Minimum order 10




Order Actual Sample Add to Virtual Sample Cart
10 Kits Minimum Order10 Kits25 100+
$250.00 (r)$235.00 (r)$227.00 (r)

Shipping not included.

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