The Dragon Power Spinner Challenge….
Can YOU beat our spin time?
Win our entire Area 51 Spinner Collection… if you can!
Watch the video below & enter.
The competition is as follows: If your basic promotional model spinner can beat our spinner challenge run time of 3:31.6 minutes,(1 second deducted for turning off the timer and note the clock was started after the spin run began) we will send you our entire Area 51 collection of spinners, one color each for Free.
Your spinner must be the same basic model as shown in our video (our model # DPS 001 or DPS 001-1) or the equivalant from another supplier to qualify and you must submit an unedited video as evidence. If you beat our time we will require that you send us your winning spinner, for us to verify the item as a promotional quality spinner (and not one with a hybrid ceramic bearing or other method to get a false result).
No spinning using compressed air will be allowed, or, any other spin methods other than spinning by hand. No other spin methods will be considered as legitimate entries. In other words, beat us fair and square to win the prize.
There will be Five entire Area 51 spinner sets up for grabs, so the first five to beat our time and send video proof will win the Area 51 entire spinner sets. Send your entry video to Subject: Spinner Challenge. We alone will judge or deam your challenge to be legitimate and our decision is final. Note 3 minutes was mentioned in the early part of the video but was then ammended to meet the challenge actual run time achieved.
The Challenge is open only to promotional product distributors in the USA, we will require proof that you are a distributor via your web site. (no web site, no entry allowed) . See the gallery of models included in the Area 51 collection below and to the left. Good luck and happy spinning. Ian Fenn CEO Dragon Power Promotional Products.
Fidget Hand Spinners
The Craze of 2017!
LED light up spinners, Plastic spinners & Metal spinners. Many, many models.